Thursday, May 17, 2007


I'm trying to get hold of myself at the moment. Release any negative and depressing thoughts in my mind and hmm, trying to be positive about everything. I've realized that I should love myself first, I should learn to let go of the past, and that everything has its own reasons.

PATIENCE shall be my virtue from now on.

Everything is just so vague. The pain does not go away. And if I don't do these things I just might be stupid enough to do such thing.

This wouldn't end here. I know.

I would never ever get tired of WAITING cos maybe, just maybe, someday everything will fall into its right place.

So I pray and pray and pray..


*I Rawk the Mic* said...

This really good. That's a great way to look at things. SOmetimes prayer is all that can be done!...

Anonymous said...

yes, praying really helps a lot. :)

hi ate! nyaha. :)

m@rtijn said...

right ,,,, :-)

Anonymous said...

I won't tell you that praying do not help at all, 'cause looking for release and healing it's the best analgesic...and crying but i think that you don't like to. Anyway, the most important word you wrote out of your fingers was...Patience... thats wots all about.